mercoledì 6 gennaio 2016

Obama's tears

People all around the world saw president Obama criying with pain while talking about the last baby slaugther. The lobbists for weapon industry oppose yet any measure against easy weapon sales.

As matter of facts, only in the USA you can buy a machine-guin  in common gun-shops. They open their windows along the great bible belt ways, just like in Peter Bogdanovc'c Old America. By these gun shop, you can stumble into some outlet where you can buy a tank or, as I saw, a 106  anti-tank weapon. But the finest outlet of these, i saw , was in Colorado were you could buy all the F104 you wanted.

Of coure, all that has nothng to do with American Constitution, but with money and the fact that America's society is falling into pieces. This problem is very old.  In the time of the second war on Iraq, Ameerica politlogist Robert Kagan wrote the Europeans came from Venus and Americans from Mars.

In reality, the hub of American ideology is hat G. B. Phserson called possessesive individualism. It plunges is root into Locke's thought and in particular, in the page of  Locke's Second Ttreatise on Government where Locke wrote tht a man could posses as much land as he could till. America Constitutin was thought for a farmer people living in regions that where considered res nullius, because Sioux, Cerokees, Blackfeets were deemed too ignrant to possess land .

But, already in 1890 America's Senate passed the so-called Sherman Act in order to prevent a revolution against monopolies,, to quote sentor Shermsn's words. In 1933 Roosevelt launchedt he New Del in the name of the necessity to come to an an agreement among Big Labor Big Governemeny aad Big Bsunesss.!