lunedì 14 novembre 2016
A clown for president?
Clinton: 'I will be the president of all'. The markets go down and 'the night when America chooses its future Drafting ANSA Elections in the USA, the real-time: Donald Trump is the new president of the United States. The Clinton awarded him the win by telephone. "Hillary has worked long and we must be grateful," said Trump stage by Hilton Hotel in Manhattan where his fans awaited him into a frenzy. "I will be the president of all Americans," he promised Trump. '' We will seek alliances, no conflicts, in the '' world, yet Trump says, stressing that the United States "will agree with all those who want to get along with us." '' It 'a historic night. Americans have spoken, and they have elected their champion '', said Mike Pence, the candidate for vice president of Trump, going up on the stage set at the Hilton with her family. World apart from the atmosphere among fans of Clinton, who left the Javits Center in tears. "It 'a great night for America," said the anchor of Trump entourage before the last results. Bitterness from the Clinton team. "Go home, we will not have anything to say tonight," said John Podesta, the Hillary Clinton campaign manager, speaking at the Javits Center. At the end of election day, the Republicans also retain control of the House and Senate in the Congress. Massachusetts and California have given the green light to the legalization of marijuana for recreational use, while Nebraska has voted to reinstate the death penalty. On the night it was also felt outgoing President Barack Obama: "No matter what happens, the sun will rise in the morning and America still remains the greatest nation in the world," he said in a video posted by Buzzfeed on Twitter urging Americans to remain united. And while Trump moved toward the White House, the world markets have collapsed. And there were swift initial reactions from the world. The South Korean Presidential Office convened a meeting of the Council on National Security to discuss "the potential impact of the presidential elections," the US, reports the Yonhap agency, about the close attention to the US vote for the effects that it could have been in Asia depending of the winning candidate. Donald Trump has been seen by Seoul carefully because of the approach of "unconventional" said toward North Korea, unlike the continuity offered by Hillary Clinton. "Congratulations to the new US president Donald Trump and the American people, free!" He tweeted Marine Le Pen had not yet arrived when the official announcement of the victory of the Republican candidate.
We can’t understand politics if we forget its historical context. Dallas, Texas 1964. Robert Lee Oswald killed president Kennedy. 1968, Los Angeles California. Shiran Shiran thought to change the paths of history killing Bob Kennedy.Martin Luther King, the man who had a dream was shot to death the same year in Memphis.. America was fighting in Vietnam a war that was destroying the “American myth”. Danielle Shiell’s Cards from Vietnam became a bestseller. Barry Goldwater - who looked like Goldfinger, a character of Jan Fleming’s - gained more than 40 % of votes in 1968 presidential elections. According to Michal Kaleki, “goldwaterism” was a kind of “fascismo”. The so called 68 was ravaging the world. President Johnson decided to send to Vietnam the boys attending college and he was punished by American mommies who cast their ballots for Nixon.
The understanding of “trumpism” needs the knowing of America. I had some old books on America before me while I was writing this essay: America amara by E. Cecchi, The other America by M Harrington, Ricchezza e potere in America by G. Kolko, America by Jean Baudrillard, What does it mean to be an American by M. Walzer, Monopoly Capital by P. Baran e P Sweezy, Le due Americhe by R. Bencivenga, Who are we? by S. Huntington, La crise de l'identité américaine by D. Lacorne , Egemonie and survival by N. Chomsky, Failed States by N Chomsky, Nemesys. The end of America by C. Johnson, Disobbedienza e democrazia by H. Zinn, L'impero della paura by B. Barber, La missione di Bush by M. Molinari, Verità negate by Bob Woodward, Liberali e conservatori by G. Mammarella, Le élite del potere by C. W. Mils, Ritorno alla grandezza by A. Wolfe, La democrazia di Dio by E. Gentile, America al bivio by F. Fukuyama, Ciclo e crisi dell’economia americana,by R. A. Gordon Colossus: the Rise and Fall of the American Empire by N. Ferguson,..
These books don't talk about “trumpism” but they can help us to understand it. American society is a capitalist one. Wealth distribution is deeply unequal and its political life is dominated by some powerful lobbies which had been waging war for long on president Clinton and on president Obama because of their proposals of a reform of weapons possession and social security. These powerful lobbies, as well as some famous think tanks like the neocons Cato Institute, have the control of the political agenda.
To realize this fact we can think of the way Neocons realized their political agenda. They started in 1998 with the creation of the institute For a New American Century which in 2000 published a paper entitled Rebuilding America's Defenses where they proved that if America wanted to remain the only superpower,
a) it had to create a new kind of military power that had to allow America to fight many wars contemporarily. This proposal was the hub of the 2001 Pentagon's Quadrennial Review. In other words what Neocons wanted was a new military strategy based upon what they called "flexible force".
b) it had to take control over the so called "mezzaluna fertile" - thing that America tried to do with the war on Iraq, as Norman Mailer wrote in Why we are in Iraq.
The Pax Britannica was run on the cheap", the British historian Paul Kennedy wrote in an article many years ago. "British army was smaller than European Armies and even the Royal Navy was equal only to the next two navies - right now all the other navies in the world could not dent American maritime supremacy. Charlemagne's empire was Merely western European. The Roman Empire stretched farther afield, but there was another great empire in Persia and a larger one in China. (P. Kennedy" The Eagle Has Landed ", in" FT ", February 2, 2002).
It's true. But it is also true that for a country that wants to dominate the world, military power is important. No less important than military power is the ability to create political relations. Of course, someone could argue that the Roman Empire was not built in a day, but it took centuries to build it, as it took centuries to build the Spanish Empire, the Chinese Empire and the British Empire. It 'also true, however, that time passes and the more time passes, the more we are led to wonder whether the United States will never be able to develop an "imperial culture" that allows them to realize what Romans, Spaniards were able to accomplish before them
In 1957 Harvard economist John K. Galbraith elaborated the theory of the "countervailing powers". He missed the target. America's political agenda is still controlled by corporate capital. Two years later Galbraith published a book about what he called "affluent society" where he talked about the existence of "poverty in plenty" . This situation didn't change in the following years and in 1966 P. Baran and P. Sweezy underlined in Monopoly Capital that 19 millions of American people lived in "abitazioni di fortuna".
American society is a capitalist society and a capitalist society is as Lester Thurow wrote, making use of the game theory a "zero sum society" which turns life into a kind of "roulette russa" . This fact explains the "frammentazione " of American society. "Frammentazione" means in its turn "solitudine" e "angoscia". The Americans who belong to upper classes address “strizzacervelli”. At any rate, we don't have to be surprised at the fact a morning a man gets up, goes out and shots at passers by. All that is evident in L'inverno del nostro scontento by J. Steinbeck, Herzog by S, Bellow, Di cosa parliamo quando parliamo d'amore? by R. Craver and Musica per camaleonti by in T. Capote.
It was 1998. NATO was preparing to wage war on Milosevic "over Kosovo". John K. Galbraith, the wearing of the wise old cloths wrote, that "Talking is a better policy than bombing". He answered Tony Blair saying that "A new generation drew the line". The article was published by Newsweek. On the cover Milosevic's picture with the words next to: The Face of Evil.
After the war, he was sent to Yugoslavia a committee of experts to assess the damage inflicted by the NATO bombing of the Serbian defense system. The US Commission returned from the Balkans and spread a report that was destroyed. The report in fact argued that the damage was insignificant. Often wooden NATO fighter imitating them!
World opinion was explained that the United States intervened in Vietnam because an American patrol had been attacked by the Viet Cong in the Gulf of Tonkin. Years pass. One day, the public NYTimes secret documents the Pentagon and it was demonstrated that in Tonkin there has been no accident.
Similarly the US government explained that the military intervention in Iraq was motivated by noble motives: discover and distruggere the weapon of mass destruction of Saddam and to export democracy to Iraq. As the great writer Norman Mailer the author of The Naked and the Dead, it was all proved false as false was the affermazione Vice Bush, Dick Cheney that war would be a "icecream walking", a promenade eating ice cream.
The accuse Mailer were devastating. Mailer was one weight writer. So Time solved the problem by customizing the same charges and named the book review of Mailer: "Stormy Mailer" Mailer stormy.
The war in Iraq, as he showed the Nobel for economics Joe Stiglitz, was a costly war, inutile and bloody. At the expense was chief of WMDs hunters, David Kay resigned during his testimony to the US Senate for Kay, in his words, was "disturbing" to admit he was wrong.
It was a busy morning at Westminster. Tony Blair had to explain why he had brought the UK to war against Iraq. Blair defends himself by telling the usual fairy tale. The juice of Blair's speech was that if he had known that the information on WMDs were false would not bring the Reign Kingdom at war! "Had I Known".
Pity that to suggest to the "sexing up" the security services or to make more attractive the information had been Blair's assistant for communication, Campbell
This was replaced in the report to Prime Minister Blair the "Iraqis may be able" expression, are perhaps in a position with the expression "are able", they are able. The power can verb is a defective verb that has only two voices can (I can) and could (I could, I could). In its place we use to be able, be able.
Trump will be able to become a serious person. I think so. I think that so far Trump has proved a great comedian and knows how to make even the dramatic actor.
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